Use the user's API Key to override the config

Is there any way to pass the user’s key to API calls so that it overrides the one in configuration?

The idea is that, if I develop a SaaS service using TaskingAI, to be able to offer users either the option of using my API key, paying a subscription, or even using the service for free with their API keys.

I don’t seem to have seen anything among the examples and code on Github, so in that case could I have some suggestions for implementing this?

I’m not entirely sure if I understood you correctly. Are you referring to the TASKING_API_KEY? If you are developing with Python, you can use taskingai.init(api_key=TASKING_API_KEY) to configure the TASKING_API_KEY independently. This variable can be read from the environment or obtained from your users. Relevant documentation: Quickstart | TaskingAI

If you are referring to the model’s API key, then TaskingAI natively supports users entering their own API key.

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I talk about the API model key, I give an example.

I registered for the free hosted version, and I created an OpenAI gpt-4o model using my API key.

Tomorrow I create a web app that does something, using this model. I make my app usable for free to other users. But this way those who use the tool, they will be using my API key and I would be paying for them.

What I would like is to be able to use the Tasking API, choosing the model I created, but overriding the key used by that model.

So users in the app enter their API keys, and when the app runs it calls the Tasking API using the model I created, but with their API keys instead of mine that I entered when I created the model.

Now I understand your needs. An ideal approach would be for you to create a model for each user using their key, rather than using a single model to manage all users.

Currently, TaskingAI allows credentials to be updated for individual models only on the cloud platform.

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I was thinking of doing something like this by modifying the backend:

from openai import OpenAI

client = OpenAI(

response =
		{"role": "user", "content": "Hello, how are you?"},

when the parameter user_model_key is passed, the backend should use that to call the requested model, instead of the credentials associated with the model configuration.

This doesn’t seem like a complex change to make on the open-source backend code. But I may be wrong, because I have no much experience with Python, so a hint on where exactly to go about doing it would be very helpful :slight_smile: